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TechFriend is a one-stop shop for all technical customer support needs. “Tech Support” does not generally evoke an exceptionally positive connotation, but it is vital to understand how to use technologies that are increasingly embedded in mainstream society. In a truly Digital Age, wading through a variety of disparate user experiences can be challenging, and TechFriend seeks to be a reliable, approachable, consistent source of truth that enables more people to feel comfortable using technology.

As an organization, TechFriend has an evident personality of friendly, patient, problem solvers. It was critical to separate the ethos of TechFriend from many pre-existing stereotypes that accompany tech support, like long wait times, brashness, and unintelligibility. Given that a core function of the service was to help make technology more usable, the website had to be extremely easy to navigate. Another key was to drive empathy for user pain points with technologies as well as for potentially negative prior customer support experience. It was important for us to be transparent with TechFriend messaging in order to convey empathy.

We conducted several user interviews to better understand customer personas, and we showcased key quotations directly on the website that established the TechFriend brand. Copy throughout the site was carefully selected to succinctly explain the problem and TechFriend’s solution, per the primary goals of teaching people about the service and encouraging sign-ups. A rich blue backdrop and a retro green font was used to spark a light, modern feel and revitalize user’s expectations of a tech support service. We included a photo of friendly, conversing millennials to emphasize youthfulness. We applied generous spacing for comfortable reading. As a single-scroll website with soft animations and minimal graphics, simplicity is at the heart of the TechFriend design.